2014 - Iron Mused/Gold Fused "The New Iron Age"


2014 - Iron Mused/Gold Fused "The New Iron Age"


The increased cost of precious metals has led many jewelry artists to explore alternative metals and techniques over the past several years. Many metal artists have become bored or complacent working in the same metals and designs for several years and have sought new visions for their work. Working with ferrous metals and gold has provided a vehicle for several to explore new and stimulating ideas in mediums that are rapidly becoming accepted and purchased by consumers and patrons.Little information is available for the jewelry industry working with iron and hand fusing the seemingly antagonistic metals of gold and iron. Practical applications of fusing golds to iron using a hand torch and the greenest methods possible will be provided. Low-carbon steel can be cold worked and does not require a large high-temperature forge or excessive force for most forming operations. Salt water etching and texturing mild steel will also be covered. The intent of this paper will be to clarify, demystify, and delineate the processes, using examples of applied, pragmatic principles of metalsmithing in a non-technical narrative.

Author: Chris Nelson

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