2014 - Jewelry Education Evolution and the Promise of Future Jewelry Technologies


2014 - Jewelry Education Evolution and the Promise of Future Jewelry Technologies


The traditional focus of jewelry manufacturing management has been on materials, designs and yield capacities aimed at a desired market segment and minimum cost. As jewelry manufacturing has become more technological, the need for knowledgeable workers is becoming more critical. This paper focuses on the underlying significance of the worker technical knowledge gap in our industry and the role of academic support systems to help alleviate it.To escalate needed worker training in Thailand, a linkage model among academic, government and industry has been developing for two decades. This industry-supported effort has resulted in curriculum at technical schools and universities ranging from fundamental knowledge combined with industry-specific teaching of material science, gemstones, design and marketing. The program has been extended to an international Bachelor of Science degree. An example of an entrepreneur school project that developed lines of mokume gane and nielloware products including a branding exercise will be shown.

Author: Dr. Kageeporn Wongpreedee

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